The Biggest Mistake EVER!

That time of year has come..daylight savings time. It’s that time when you look at the clock expecting it to be midnight and let out a four letter word when you realize it’s only 6. It’s also a travel week for my husband. Those usually start out well and end the with me appearing strung out, crying and begging in desperation for his return. The only way to survive is to embrace the darkness and freezing temperatures and take Maverick and the kids for a nice long walk.

On the walk I discovered my teenage son’s volume button has apparently broken in the on and loud position. With each passing house that resides someone he knows (he knows everyone. Its a small town) he yelled  “Hello so and so!!”, followed by a cheap shot to his sister, a kick in return and my Mom voice trying to bring reason to this insanity. Our family walk appeared more like a group of rowdy undisciplined teenagers.

After returning home and sending the kids off to bed, I finally sat down to unwind. Then the fighting began again. Maverick ran into my room to avoid the scene and I decided to do what any responsible overworked and overtired parent would do..stay out of it and let them fight it out. Once the volume hit a level that could break windows it was time to intervene.

“Your a bigger mistake!”

“You were first. Your obviously a bigger one!”

“Bigger gets better with practice #2!”

”Mom! Which one of us is a bigger mistake?”

There goes the eye twitch. After telling them they’re both ridiculous and adding some humor calling them equal mistakes,  I chased them back into bed and closed their doors.

“She said you’re a bigger one”, Jake yelled making sure to get the last word.

This can’t be normal.

Jake came home from school today explaining how Olivia introduced him to her teacher as her brother, “The biggest mistake”. I asked the teachers reaction and Jake just shook his head and laughed hysterically.

Dinner on night 5 of a “Daddy is away” week..Chinese food. The kids somehow managed to set the table without killing each other. Jake accidentally spilled the noodles. Olivia retaliated by eating all the fortune cookies. “I know her fortune. It says your the greatest mistake!” They both cracked up laughing and left the table together to play with the dog.

Its going to be a long winter with the two greatest mistakes that ever happened to me.





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